Patchwork Quilt Murder review at Criminal Element

Patchwork Quilt Murder cover
Hi all. Criminal Element published a nice review of Patchwork Quilt Murder on May 17th. Enjoy this short excerpt, and be sure to catch the full review at the link below.

Leslie Meier handles the many serious subjects she brings up here with sensitivity and aplomb, stitching together her topics as expertly as any master quilter. Elegantly plotted with deft twist upon twist, Patchwork Quilt Murder is tied with Irish Parade Murder for my favorite book of hers so far. Both take quietly sensible approaches to current events and controversies, with this thirtieth installment tackling climate change, mental health, and rising unemployment, among other important issues.

One Response

  1. I have loved the Lucy Stone series and was looking forward to this latest installment. However the lack of compassion the protagonist showed toward her dog, Libby, really upset me. Saying that the dog was just a pet and not part of the family stopped me from reading any further. I’m sorry but I cannot continue to read a series when the main character shows herself to be unfeeling and dispassionate toward animals.

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