Praise for Leslie Meier and her Lucy Stone Mysteries

“I like Lucy Stone a lot, and so will readers.”

—Carolyn Hart

“Leslie Meier writes with sparkle and warmth.”

Chicago Sun Times

“The Lucy Stone mysteries will appeal to fans of domestic mysteries.”


“Mothers everywhere will identify with Lucy Stone and the domestic problems she encounters.”

Publishers Weekly

“Leslie Meier has created a town I’d like to live in and a sleuth I’d love to meet.”

—Jill Churchill

“Fans of Murder, She Wrote may want to try this latest in a series that is well written and enjoyable.”

The Evansville Courier and Press

Review by Kingdom Books!

Wicked witch murder book cover

With planning the town’s annual Halloween Party, the drought wreaking havoc on her garden, and her brood of four children, Lucy Stone’s got her hands full this fall…

As the air turns crisp and the trees blaze red and gold in the tiny town of Tinker’s Cove, Maine, a newcomer arrives who seems to suit the Halloween season. Diana Ravenscroft has just opened Solstice, a charming little shop featuring candles, crystals, jewelry, and psychic readings. But after an unnervingly accurate reading by Diana, Lucy starts to get more than a little spooked…

Then there’s the dead body Lucy finds, way up on one of the old logging roads behind her house. The deceased is identified as Malcolm Malebranche, a seemingly harmless magician who worked at children’s birthday parties.

When it turns out that Diana knew the murder victim, Ike Stoughton, a prominent local businessman, starts a campaign against Diana, blaming “the witch” for everything from the unseasonal dry spell to his wife’s illness and his pumpkins’ lack of plumpness. But Lucy’s not so sure that Ike himself is innocent. Still, as the town Halloween party approaches, Lucy’s more concerned about the costume competition, pin-the-nose-on-the-pumpkin, and baking three dozen orange cupcakes and Beastly Bug cookies. But as the October moon rises, a killer plans a lethal celebration of his own—and Lucy’s the guest of honor…

4 Responses

  1. I really enjoyed this book! I am curious if the characters of Rebecca and Diana have or will appear in any of the other stories.

  2. This is the first of your books that I have read. It was given to me by a friend who is much better at finding books than am I. It was quite good. I look forward to reading more in the future.
    I was an artist, but I never could portray images of people. My compliments to William T. Clarke for the portrait of you on the inside rear cover of the trade paperback issue which I have.
    I do have one omission of your research that I feel the need to point out. It is your description of and your description of the behavior of the black bear in the book. The same friend who gave me your book gave me another book a while back, and since I am a rural person, previously living on my ranch in a mountainous area with lots of predators including black bears, I found the book fascinating. It is “Summers with the Bears,” “Six Seasons in the North Woods” by Jack Becklund. Just a couple of points at variance with your book: black bears do not have a strong smell, in fact they have virtually no smell at all; and black bears can appear and disappear in extremely short periods of time, virtually in an instant, and in extremely short distances.
    Thank you again for this book, and again, I look forward to reading other of your books.

  3. I picked this book up through a used book seller. At first I thought perhaps I had found a new series to enjoy. Lucy Stone seems like a real person and her family/work life are genuine. My issue is in the way Wicca is portrayed, as it is terribly inaccurate. The characters who were “the bad guys” have more to do with the ugly witch hunt mentalities of other centuries than with the nature honoring Wiccans of today.
    Please, if you have read this book or are planning on reading it, do not take this story for a factual portrayal of Wicca. Research it for yourself.

  4. Loved this book!!!I read it really fast because I just could not put it down.Great book to read during Autumn.

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